The Importance of Art in Interior Design
The interior design finds its maximum expression in the details.
Let’s face it: furniture, colors and shapes are fundamental but the real feel rouge that gives stylistic coherence to your rooms is certainly the perfect mix of furniture components, works of art and details.
The Walls
Considering the walls of the home environment as simple frames is a missed opportunity, just as turning your walls into an art gallery could be cloying and impersonal.
Also in this case the password is balance, sometimes a simple piece of art, thanks to the skillful combination of shadows and colors, can completely revolutionize the aesthetics of the environment making it unique and customized according to your needs.
If on the one hand even a sofa or a book can underline some aspects of your aesthetic taste and your character, a painting or a sculpture contains a story full of meaning that can communicate who you are and how you relate to society and the world that surrounds you.
Some interior designers suggest you first choose a piece of art that resonates with your self and then let yourself be inspired by the color palette and the shapes of the same to define the decor of the environment in which it will be placed. A monochromatic and minimalist painting, for example, could be difficult to combine with a vintage furniture style, while it could enhance a modern environment in step with the times. If you have not yet defined the style of a room, then try to choose a painting and let yourself be guided by it.
Considering the Space
Once you have chosen a piece of art – or when the latter has chosen you – you have to decide exactly where to place it: to start with, choose a single focal point. While a bright and colorful piece of art is enhanced when placed in a context of soft colors, a monochromatic work with delicate shapes finds the right contrast in a colorful and bright environment.
Always consider the space at your disposal: if the environment is small, do not combine too many elements; you risk communicating the feeling of a messy room “filled” with expensive junk.
Evaluate photography: don’t just consider paintings and sculptures, photography is the art of the 21st century, black and white photos of actors, actresses and musicians like James Deen, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe are back. Check our article on how to decorate the Living Room in Pop Art Style.
Modern art with a limited budget: defining the budget to be allocated to your purchases is always a good rule, regardless of your current account. Today it is possible to start a collection worthy of the name even with limited budgets. On the market you can find both works by emerging artists and by now historical names at affordable prices, let’s say within 5000 euros, but there are also excellent works that do not exceed 1000-2000 euros. Also don’t forget that a piece of art is a real investment, it hardly depreciates, and often acquires value over time.